Dates(s) - 23/11/2016 - 23/11/2016 10:30 - 12:30
Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN
Do you use WordPress to develop, write, create or manage a website in? Jack from Riselabs Ltd is a front-end developer and designer with extensive knowledge of WordPress and theme development.
Required: Bring a laptop!
The workshop will cover:
- Setting up WordPress from scratch
- Famous 5 min install
- Databases
- How it's all connected
- How hosting works for WordPress
- Best practice tips
- Installing themes and plugins
- Editing themes
- Starting your own theme development
You'll learn
1. Looking after a website on behalf of yourself or a client and need to know more about the basics.
- Advanced functionality
- How plugins can both help and hinder a WordPress website
- Extending WordPress, using it for E-commerce and other functionality
- Security and best practice
- Hosting
Developing/Designing for WordPress
- Basics of using a stock theme or custom theme
- Using the theme's ability to customise the website style
- Working with a custom theme on a code level
- Creating and developing themes and more advanced code
If you would like to book a place please email Events Assistant, Michelle Craig.