
Skills & apprenticeships are focus for networking breakfast event
Skills & apprenticeships are focus for networking breakfast event

Apprenticeships and skills development within Peterborough will be the big topics taken on at the next Bondholder Breakfast event organised by Opportunity Peterborough on 31st January.

With the government’s forthcoming apprenticeship levy making headlines, delegates will be hearing from representatives from City College Peterborough and Peterborough Regional College within their remit as members of the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Providers Network to learn how businesses can prepare for the government’s levy.

The event is being sponsored by Success For All, a fast-growing charity which currently works with over 120 schools in the UK and who has recently based its new UK headquarters in Peterborough. Success For All has just announced a new £150,000 contract with Peterborough City Council to help improve some of the city’s worst performing schools, which they will be discussing at the event.

The event will also see the launch of the annual Greater Peterborough Business Survey, conducted by Rawlinsons in partnership with Opportunity Peterborough, which measures business confidence and performance in the city.

Steve Bowyer, chief executive of economic development company Opportunity Peterborough, said: “Giving our Bondholder members insight and support on topical business issues is what our Bondholder Breakfasts are designed for. With government’s apprenticeship levy coming into force in April, we’re delighted to have secured local experts who can show our Bondholders why Peterborough’s approach to apprenticeships is so special, what resources are already available to businesses whilst also helping to inform their strategic decision making.”

The Breakfast event is open to Bondholder members only and will be running from 7.30am – 9.00am at the KingsGate Conference Centre on 31st January.

To join the Opportunity Peterborough Bondholder Network and book to attend this event, visit: Existing members can log in to the Bondholder portal to register their place.