Have you ever used the Green Wheel? Do you regularly walk or cycle along it? What do you think could be done to improve and enhance it? PECT, the city’s environmental charity, wants to hear your views!
The charity is working alongside Sustrans and Groundwork to look at revitalising the Green Wheel in time for its 20th anniversary, which will take place in 2020. The Green Wheel was officially launched as a Millennium project and it encompasses over 45 miles of cycle ways around the city and surrounding villages.
The first step in this process will be to investigate the current physical condition, and to look at people’s usage and opinions of the Green Wheel.
“Thanks to the support of the Big Lottery Fund we are gathering feedback in order to understand what residents know about the Green Wheel and what they use it for,” explains Project Officer Andrew Ellis. “Even if you’re not currently using it, we would love to hear your views – we are as interested in finding out why people don’t use it as much as why people do!”
Andrew further explained: “Once we understand people’s opinions and have an official condition report we can work with our partners to look to acquire further funding to improve the Green Wheel and to give it a 20th birthday party to remember!”
The charity is encouraging people to take part in a survey over the next few weeks to give their views. PECT will also be attending events and running focus groups to get people’s views in person too.
To take part in the survey, please visit www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GreenWheel. For further information about the project, call 01733 568408, email info@pect.org.uk or visit www.pect.org.uk.