
Facebook to headline free seminar programme at Peterborough B2B

Over 80 exhibitors will showcase their products and services to an expected 600 visitors at KingsGate Conference Centre at the end of this month where there will be unlimited opportunities to make new business connections.

Our headline seminar will be delivered by Arjun Paliwal, Strategic Account Manager from Facebook – the online social media and social networking service company. Arjun will explain how to increase your business presence with the power of Facebook and other emerging platforms.

Ahead of the Peterborough B2B official opening, Opportunity Peterborough will host a Bondholder Breakfast focusing on the findings and policy recommendations for Peterborough in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER), which was taken to Westminster on 9 October. The review aims to inform future policy to ensure the region reaches its target of doubling GVA over the next 25 years.

Companies from across the region are pre-registering to meet with exhibitors and take advantage of the extensive programme of free seminars taking place throughout the day. They include:

  • A talk from Institute of Directors focusing on leadership and how to attract, retain, motivate and develop millennial leaders
  • A practical workshop with Waldron Media on creating your own short video clips for  social media
  • Tips on writing a good tender from SERCO with a chance to meet Peterborough City Council’s procurement team
  • Event partner Digital People in Peterborough will also be running workshops throughout the day on a variety of topics with a special 11.00am seminar about business engagement and developing a professional community that nurtures talent and skills in a chosen field of expertise.
  • Plus, speed networking during the afternoon.

Helen Bosett, organiser of the B2B event from of Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, said: “The Peterborough B2B Exhibition is the city’s longest running B2B event and we are delighted to have Facebook headlining our event programme which is proving extremely popular with lots of registrations already. Our free seminars are designed to support organisations by sharing knowledge and giving you the skills to develop and enhance your business.”

The Peterborough B2B Exhibition is an annual event organised by Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce and Opportunity Peterborough, sponsored by KingsGate Conference Centre and Peterborough Regional College and supported by Print Marshall, Digital People in Peterborough and the Institute of Directors.

The all-day event takes place at KingsGate Conference Centre on Wednesday 31 October from 9.00am-4.00pm. Places to attend both the exhibition and free seminars can be booked online at