£40,000 - £45,000Expires:
£40,000 - £45,000Expires:
08/04/2019JOB PROFILE
POSITION: Head of Economic Development
CONTRACT TERM: Full time, permanent
SALARY: £40,000-45,000
Peterborough is an exciting, aspirational and cosmopolitan city with a diverse economy of major companies and innovative SMEs. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK and has big plans for the future.
Opportunity Peterborough is the city’s economic development company. We’re dedicated to our mission of supporting growth across the city, improving economic prosperity, jobs opportunities, and life chances for those who live and work here. We do this by engaging with local companies to support growth and development, by marketing Peterborough to attract new businesses, by working with partners at a strategic level to create an enabling environment, and by playing a leading role in the city’s skills agenda to ensure our current and future talent pool is work-ready.
We’re looking for exceptional, dynamic people to join our small but impactful team and help us make Peterborough an even greater place to live, work, and invest.
We need a passionate, articulate, organised and driven manager to lead on a wide range of enterprise and business development initiatives including business support, inward investment, employment land and workspace development, supply chain development, and innovation.
You will have in depth knowledge of, and extensive experience in, the fields of economic development and regeneration; knowledge of the regeneration and economic development agenda at regional and national level; and specialist knowledge of economic development, business support and economic research and policy.
Lead the economic development team to deliver inclusive and sustainable economic growth, in line with the Local Industrial Strategy and other key local strategies, resulting in the creation of good quality jobs for the communities of Greater Peterborough.
Lead engagement with Peterborough’s businesses, supporting enterprise start-up & growth, SME expansion, and the development of major companies in the Greater Peterborough area.
Manage OP’s approach to, and delivery of, inward investment for the Greater Peterborough area.
Develop strong relationships with key local partners, including Peterborough City Council, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, local authorities, business support and education providers, intermediaries and other relevant organisations.
Produce key strategic documents as required, and liaise with other partners on their strategies in order to influence these in line with Greater Peterborough’s economic growth ambitions.
Manage, and where appropriate deliver, key economic analysis and intelligence reports in order to influence and support strategy and policy development.
Lead on the satisfaction of economic development contracts secured by Opportunity Peterborough.
Oversee the proactive identification of new commercial and funding opportunities for Opportunity Peterborough, carrying out initial viability and risk assessment, proposition development and business case justification.
Successful, proactive and developmental approach to line management of identified staff.
Contribute positively and creatively to OP’s Senior Management Team, and report to Board as required.
Carry out duties as requested by the CEO and deputise for the CEO when requested.
Please send your CV with a cover letter expressing your interest in working for Opportunity
Peterborough and detailing how you think you would fit the role, to:
Email: admin@opportunitypeterborough.co.uk
Post: Leander Hunnings, Opportunity Peterborough, 1st Floor, Allia Future Business Centre,
Peterborough, PE2 8AN
For any queries relating to the post, please call 01733 317417
Closing date for for applications: 8 April 2019
Interviews to be held: 15 & 16 April 2019