Cross Keys Homes (CKH) is proud to get behind Harry’s Pledge, a united national commitment to support, recognise and champion carers.
Across the country social housing providers, like CKH, are looking to commit to four pledges:
Launched in Carers Week, Harry’s Pledge is named in honour of Harry Charlesworth, a lively five-year-old whose birth disability of quadriplegic cerebral palsy means he has deep caring needs.
His grandmother is Julie Doyle, the Chief Executive of PlaceShapers member Longhurst. She and Harry’s family were determined that the focus on the difference made by carers during the Coronavirus pandemic should not be lost.
CKH’s Chief Executive, Claire Higgins, said: “We are proud to have signed up to Harry’s pledge. Carers are the unsung heroes of our society. The pandemic has thrown a light on this and shown the ways and depth that this happens. Harry’s Pledge wil show solidarity with this and will help lead to more support for careers and the people they care for.”
Harry’s Pledge is a unified approach from Carers UK, together with Inside Housing, the Chartered Institute of Housing, National Housing Federation and PlaceShapers.
National Carers Week runs from Monday 8 June until Sunday 14 June. Helen Walkers, CEO of Carers UK, said: “Carers UK fully supports Harry’s Pledge to support paid and unpaid carers in the housing sector.
“We know how vital support provided by family and friends is to those who are disabled, ill or growing frail. Our Carers Week theme is making caring visible, this initiative does just that.”
To find out more about Harry’s Pledge visit: