
Carbon Literacy Course – free to Peterborough businesses
Peterborough City Council are now providing a free Carbon Literacy Course available for businesses. The course will be free to attend due to receiving grant funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund. The course would usually retail at £100+ per person.
Overall, it is 8 hours (or one days’ worth) of learning but sessions will be broken up into 2, 4 or 8 hour sessions, online or in-person, to be flexible around your schedules. Once the course is completed, trainees can gain a recognised Carbon Literacy accreditation.
The course will provide information about climate change and its impacts, actions you can take to decarbonise and the benefits of doing so, resource scarcity, supply chain disruption and management, opportunities for SMEs, Scope 3 emissions, ecosystem services and many other topics. Please find attached a flyer with more information about the course.
Sign up
Individuals can sign up by using the booking link Carbon Literacy Course Course dates for November and December are currently available, with more being added for January to March soon.
To become accredited, you’ll need to sign up to the full 8 hours of training, covering sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4 or a whole day session. 
For more details, please click on the session description on the bookings page. The available dates are shown in black on the calendar, however this is a little tricky to see. If you have any issues please send us an email.
If you have 6 or more trainees, we can arrange training for your organisation. Please email us at If you sign up as a group we can offer you 2 hour, 4 hour or full day sessions on weekdays, weekends or evenings as your preference, even coming to your location within Peterborough boundaries.