“The Power of you” is a wonderful talk from Jem Hills. He would like to share his inspirational story with you, which will take place at the Eco Innovation Centre on Tuesday 15th May at 10:30.
Jem will go through his journey. How he went from being bullied in his early years, destroying his self-belief and self-confidence to then regaining some self-esteem through dance and on to the realisation of his vision and goals when he joined The Royal Marines and ultimately on to serving 20 years with the elite of UK Special Forces!!
He inspires people to find their courage and unlock their potential with unshakable self-belief. A great deal of people’s lives are spent in the ‘passenger seat’. Jem will enable you to get out into the adventure zone, visualise and achieve more. You will go away thinking differently about yourselves.
A Word from Jem…
“It’s important to have a clear vision of where you want to go and set your own far-reaching but achievable objectives, targets and goals, to continually push yourself in moving forward. The challenge exists for us all to succeed and to become “The Best That You Can Be”!
You can secure your seat by going to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-power-of-you-and-how-to-become-the-best-version-of-yourself-tickets-44405363638