Home » Happy Egg Co explain the marketing secrets of their success
Over 50 senior representatives from the food sector gathered at Roythornes Solicitor’s offices on Thursday night for a talk by the Chief Operating Officer of the Happy Egg Co USA.
The event, organised by the leading food law firm and the Chartered Institute of Marketing saw David Wagstaff talk about how he took the famous Happy Egg brand in to the American market and grew it in just two years from zero to 16 million dollar sales.
The audience heard how a structured marketing approach enabled the operation to set up successfully and gain impressive sales in such a short time.
Speaking about the event, Marketing Manager Mark Dodds said:
“It was an incredibly interesting event and we were lucky to be able to secure David as our speaker as he spends a lot of his time in America working on the business. It was a great example of classic marketing which resulted in the establishment of a successful and growing business.”
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