
Supporting Opportunity Peterborough Bondholders with free remote-control tools
Supporting Opportunity Peterborough Bondholders with free remote-control tools

With Covid-19 bringing new restrictions and changes to our lives every day, the only thing to do is to follow advice and be considerate in our interactions with others to prevent the spread of the virus as much as possible – and help to save lives.

Technology is set to play an important role during our social distancing obligations, whether that’s using websites and social media to stay informed or working from home. Tools like NetSupport Manager can really help in this situation. Working over LAN, WAN or the internet, IT teams can use it to support staff working remotely, while staff can use it to access work on their work PCs securely.

We want to help local businesses stay operational and be able to remotely support staff working from home. So we’re going to be offering the use of NetSupport Manager for free for the next few months to ensure that productivity is maintained as far as possible, without time being lost to IT issues.

Click here to find out more.