

If we were to ask you who Peterborough Cathedral’s architect was, you might well assume it was someone who lived about 900 years ago. But what if we were to tell you that he’s alive and well, right now, and fully engaged in seeing the fabric of this amazing building and Precincts through the 21st century? The Moment talks to Stephen Oliver – who will be doing an online talk about his work this September – about the genius of medieval masons, keeping traditional skills alive and the proposed Victorian ‘improvement’ to the Cathedral tower that nearly changed everything…

Most people think of an architect as the person who is around before or during a major building project, but Peterborough Cathedral has been around for quite a while now… Why does it need one?

Every one of the Anglican cathedrals is obliged to have a Cathedral Architect and a Cathedral Archaeologist employed to care for them. So, I am there to report to Chapter on matters to do with the fabric of the building. And, every five years, I carry out a fabric condition survey of the building to report on failing roofs and rainwater pipes that need painting – all of the bits and pieces of the Cathedral that may be gradually slipping into decay, as these things do. So that’s the bare bones of the appointment, but obviously I am there to advise and assist on ongoing maintenance and repair projects, and any changes that may need to be carried out to the buildings in the whole Precinct – the buildings Chapter own around the Cathedral.

Click here to read the full interview.